Gardeners’ Christmas Auction is a bi-annual event held to raise funds for the horticultural therapy program. Held at the Fort Scott Service Center, the event is a silent auction with an array of tools, bird feeders and houses, and home décor up for auction. All proceeds from this event are used to improve the existing horticulture facilities.

DATE: Saturday, TBD
LOCATION: Fort Scott Service Center
4305 Campbell Drive
Fort Scott, KS 66701
TIME: Doors open at 9:30 am.
Silent Auction runs from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
For more information, contact Barbara McCord at or at 620-644-4030.
Since 2007, the funds raised from this event have been used to build our greenhouse, head house, outdoor garden with wheelchair-accessible raised beds, and shaded work stations. This program has enabled the clients to be on a level with other gardeners as equals. This not only benefits the clients but has created an environment to partner and gain another opportunity to be an asset to the greater community.